
A2 - Turniere in Organisations- und Steuerungsproblemen

Kai A. Konrad (with M. Thum)

Climate policy negotiations with incomplete information

Economica, 81(322), 244-256, April 2014

Nadja Dwenger

User cost elasticity of capital revisited

Economica 81(321), 161-186. January 2014

Nadja Dwenger (with V. Steiner)

Financial leverage and corporate taxation – Evidence from German corporate tax return data

International Tax and Public Finance 21(1), 1-28, February 2014

Nadja Dwenger (with S. Braun, D. Kübler, A. Westkamp)

Implementing quotas in university admissions: An experimental analysis

Games and Economic Behavior 85, 232-251, May 2014

Dan Kovenock (with Florian Morath and Johannes Münster)

Information sharing in contests

Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, forthcoming

Kai A. Konrad, Thomas R. Cusack

Hanging together or hanged separately. The strategic power of coalitions where bargaining occurs with incomplete information

Journal of Conflict Resolution, forthcoming

Ke, Changxia, Konrad, Kai A., Morath, Florian

Brothers in arms - An experiment on the alliance puzzle

In: Games and Economic Behavior (forthcoming)

Morath, Florian

Volunteering and the strategic value of ignorance

Social Choice and Welfare (forthcoming)

Morath, Florian and Münster, Johannes

Information acquisition in conflicts

Economic Theory (forthcoming)


Evolutionarily stable in-group favoritism and out-group spite in intergroup conflict

Journal of Theoretical Biology

Kai Konrad

Information alliances in contests with budget limits

Public Choice, 151(3-4), pp. 679-693

Kai Konrad (joint with May Elsayyad)

Fighting multiple tax havens

Journal of International Economics, 86(2), pp. 295-305

Kai Konrad (joint with Salmai Qari)

The last refuge of a scoundrel? Patriotism and tax compliance

Economica, 79(315), pp. 516-533

Kai Konrad (joint with Stergios Skaperdas)

The market for protection and the origin of the state

Economic Theory, 50(2), pp. 417-443

Kai Konrad (joint with Benny Geys and Salmai Qari)

Patriotism, taxation and international mobility

Public Choice, 151(3-4), pp. 695-717

Kai Konrad

Search costs and corporate income tax competition

Economics Letters (2011), 112(2):213-215

Kai Konrad (joint with Wolfgang Leiniger)

Self-enforcing norms and efficient non-cooperative collective action in the provision of public goods

Public Choice (2011), 146 (3-4): 501-520

Changxia Ke (joint with Ralph C. Bayer)

Are Consumers Fooled by Discounts? An Experimental Test in a Consumer Search Environment

Economic Record , Volume 87, Issue 279, pages 575–586, December 2011

Florian Morath

Volunteering and the Strategic Value of Ignorance

WZB Discussion Paper SPII 2010-17

Sven Chojnacki, Nils Metternich und Johannes Münster

Mercenaries in Civil Wars, 1950-2000

WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2009-05

Kai. A. Konrad und Dan Kovenock

Multi-battle Contests

Games and Economic Behavior, 2009, Volume: 66, Issue: 1, Pages: 256-274

Kai A. Konrad und Dan Kovenock

The Alliance Formation Puzzle and Capacity Constraints

Economics Letters, 2009, Vol. 103(2), pp. 84-86

Kai A. Konrad

Strategy and Dynamics in Contests

Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2009

Arón Kiss

Coalition Politics and Accountability

Public Choice, 2009, Vol. 139(3), pp. 413-428

Florian Morath

Strategic information acquisition and the mitigation of global warming

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Volume 59, Issue 2, March 2010, Pages 206-217

Kai A. Konrad (joint with Dan Kovenock)

The alliance formation puzzle and capacity constraints

Economics Letters, Volume 103, Issue 2, May 2009, Pages 84-86

Johannes Münster

Repeated Contests with Asymmetric Information

Journal of Public Economic Theory, Volume 11, Issue 1, pages 89–118, February 2009

Kai A. Konrad (joint with Roger D. Congleton, Arye L. Hillman

40 Years of Research on Rent Seeking (Vol.1 and Vol.2)

Springer, 2008

Florian Morath, Johannes Münster

Private versus complete information in auctions

Economic Letters, Volume 101, Issue 3, December 2008, Pages 214-216

Andreas Blume, Paul Heidhues, Jonathan Lafky, Johannes Münster, Meixia Zhang

All Equilibria of the Multi-Unit Vickrey Auction

Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 66, Issue 2, July 2009, Pages 729-741

Kai A. Konrad, Dan Kovenock

Contests with stochastic abilities

Economic Inquiry, Economic Inquiry, Volume 48, Number 1, January 2010 , pp. 89-103(15)

Kai A. Konrad, Dan Kovenock

Multi-battle contests

Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 66, Issue 1, May 2009, Pages 256-274

Johannes Münster

Contest with an unknown number of contestants

Public Choice, Vol. 129, No. 3/4 (Dec., 2006), pp. 353-368

Kai A. Konrad, Steffen Huck, Hans Theo Normann, Wieland Müller

The Merger paradox and why aspiration levels let it fail in the laboratory

Economic Journal, Volume 117, Issue 522, pages 1073–1095, July 2007

Beate Jochimsen

Ein Urteil und seine Folgen: Ökonomie und Verfassungswidrigkeit des Berliner Haushalts

WZB Mitteilungen , Volume: 104, 2004, Pp 22-25

Kai A. Konrad, Wolfgang Peters, Karl Wärneryd

Delegation in First-price All-pay Auctions

Managerial and Decision Economics, Volume: 25, December 2004, Pp 283-290

Kai A. Konrad

Inverse Campaigning

The Economic Journal, Volume: 114, January 2004, Pp 69-83

Beate Jochimsen

Geringe Auswirkungen der Osterweiterung auf den Haushalt der Europäischen Union

VBKI Spiegel, Volume: 54(195), Juni 2004, Pp 34-35

Kai A. Konrad

Altruism and envy in contests: an evolutionarily stable symbiosis

Social Choice and Welfare, Volume: 22, 2004, Pp 479-490

Kai A. Konrad, Steffen Huck

Merger profitability and trade policy

Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Volume: 106(1), 2004, Pp 107-122

Kai A. Konrad, Sebastian G. Kessing

Union strategy and optimal direct taxation

Journal of Public Economics, Volume 90, Issues 1-2, January 2006, Pages 393-402

Kai A. Konrad, Sebastian Kessing, Christos Kotsogiannis

Federal tax autonomy and the limits of cooperation

Journal of Urban Economics, Volume 59, Issue 2, March 2006, Pages 317-329

Kai A. Konrad, Steffen Huck

Strategic trade policy and the home bias in firm ownership structure

Japan and the World Economy, Volume: 15(3), August, 2003, Pp 299-305

Kai A. Konrad, Steffen Huck

Moral cost, commitment and committee Size

Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Volume: 161(4), 2005, Pp 575-588

Kai A. Konrad

Silent interests and all pay auctions

International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume 24, Issue 4, July 2006, Pages 701-713

Beate Jochimsen

In der Schuldenfalle gefangen: Wie konnte es mit Berlin so weit kommen?

Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftswissenschaften/Review of Economics, Volume: 54, 2003, Pp 114-130

Kai A. Konrad, Steffen Huck, Wieland Müller

Profitable horizontal mergers without cost advantages: the role of internal organization, information and market structure

Economica, Volume: 71, 2004, Pp 575-587

Kai A. Konrad

The investment problem in terrorism

Economica, Volume: 71(283), August, 2004, Pp 449-459

Kai A. Konrad , Beate Jochimsen

Finanzkrise im Bundesstaat


Beate Jochimsen

Ökonomische Analsye der exzessiven Verschuldung von Landeshaushalten - am Beispiel der Verfassungswidrigkeit der Berliner Haushalte

Die Offentliche Verwaltung (DOV), Volume: 12, Juni, 2004, Pp 511-517

Kai A. Konrad

Bidding in Hierarchies

European Economic Review, Volume: 48, December, 2004, Pp 1301-1308

Kai A. Konrad

Mobilität in mehrstufigen Ausbildungsturnieren

Wolfgang Franz, Hans Jürgen Ramser und Manfred Stadler (Hrsg.), Bildung, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2004

Beate Jochimsen, Kai A. Konrad

Anreize statt Haushaltsnotlagen

Finanzkrise im Bundesstaat, Konrad, Kai A., und Beate Jochimsen (Hrsg.), 2006, Pp 11-28

Beate Jochimsen, Robert Nuscheler

The Political Economy of the German Länder Deficits

Diskussionspapier des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaft der Freien Universität Berlin, Juni, 2005

Kai A. Konrad, Wolfgang Leininger

The generalized Stackelberg equilibrium of the all-pay auction with complete information

Review of Economic Design, 2007, Volume 11, Number 2, 165-174

Kai A. Konrad, Derek Clark

Fragmented Property Rights and Incentives for R&D

Management Science (2008), Volume: 54, Issue: 5, Pages: 969-981

Benny Geys with S. Goeminne and C. Smolders

Political Fragmentation and Projected Tax Revenues: Evidence from Flemish Municipalities

International Tax and Public Finance, April 2007, Volume 15, Number 3, 297-315

Beate Jochimsen

Jenseits von Ausgabenkürzungen - Alternative Optionen zur Haushaltssanierung von Bundesländern: der Fall Berlin

Schmollers Jahrbuch, Volume: 127(2), 2007, Pp 1-37

Beate Jochimsen, Kai A. Konrad

Der Föderalstaat nach dem Berlin-Urteil

Peter Lang Verlag, 2007

Kai A. Konrad

Ein Ausweg aus der bundesstaatlichen Haftungsverflechtung

In: Konrad and Jochimsen (eds.), Der Föderalstaat nach dem Berlin-Urteil, Peter Lang Verlag, 2007, Pp 155-170

Benny Geys

Measuring the Bridging Potential of Voluntary Associations: The Importance of Association Size with H. Coffé

Sociology, 2008, Volume 42(2): 357–369

Kai A. Konrad, Stergios Skaperdas

Succession Rules and Leadership Rents

Journal of Conflict Resolution, August 2007, Vol. 51, No. 4, 622-645

Johannes Münster

Lobbying Contests with Endogenous Policy Proposals

Economics and Politics, Volume: 18(3), 2006, Pp 389-397

Beate Jochimsen

Haftungsbegrenzungen im internationalen Vergleich - Was kann Deutschland lernen?

In: Konrad and Jochimsen (eds.), Der Föderalstaat nach dem Berlin-Urteil, Peter Lang Verlag, 2007, Pp 135-154

Derek J. Clark, Kai A. Konrad

Asymmetric conflict: Weakest link against best shot

The Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 51, No. 3 (Jun., 2007), pp. 457-469

Sebastian G. Kessing, Kai A. Konrad

Time consistency and bureaucratic budget competition

Economic Journal, Volume 118, Issue 525, pages 1–15, January 2008

Johannes Münster

Rents, Dissipation and Lost Treasures: Comment

Public Choice, 2007, Volume 130, Numbers 3-4, 329-335

Sebastian Kessing, Kai A. Konrad, Christos Kotsogiannis

FDI and the dark side of decentralisation

Economic Policy, Volume 22, Issue 49, pages 5–70, January 2007

Johannes Münster

Selection Tournaments, Sabotage, and Participation

Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Volume 16, Issue 4, pages 943–970, Winter 2007

Kai A. Konrad, Derek J. Clark

Contests with Multi-Tasking

Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2007, Volume 109, Issue 2, Pages 303-319

Helmut Bester, Kai A. Konrad

Easy Targets and the Timing of Conflict

Journal of Theoretical Politics, Volume: 17(2), April, 2005, Pp 199 - 215

together with A1

Johannes Münster

Simultaneous inter- and intra group conflicts

Economic Theory, February 2007, Volume 32, Number 2, 333-352

Johannes Münster

Contest with Investments

Managerial and Decision Economics, forthcoming

Kai A. Konrad, Helmut Bester

Delay in Contests

European Economic Review, Volume: 48, October, 2004, Pp 1169-1178

together with A1

Prof. Dr. Kai A. Konrad

Direktor am Max-Planck-Institut für Steuerrecht und Öffentliche Finanzen
Abteilung Finanzwissenschaft
Marstallplatz 1, 80539 München
Tel.: (089) 24246 5250
Fax: (089) 24246 5299